Goal: To build an understanding of point of view and to encourage students to look at a familiar setting in new ways-through the eyes of photographers:
A Crane’s viewpoint is from above looking down, and a worm’s eye viewpoint is from below, looking up.
Find and photograph:
A tree from a worm’s eye view
Make a tall person look small
Make a small person look tall
Photograph the same grave from a worm’s eye view and then again from a crane’s eye view
Photograph something close-up and then again far away so that each photo looks like it is a different object/place.
Can you trick us? Take a photo that plays with our sense of space so that we are confused about point of view, proportion, and scale
Instructions: You have now gone on the Point of View Scavenger Hunt. Make a new post on your blog and post your best pictures in the way I did, lableing the photos using the same language I did in the assignment, for example “A tree from a worm’s eye view”.