Editing Your Commercial

Posted: 4th October 2012 by e10391 in Uncategorized

Video: Did you record your commercial many times from different distances and angles?  Good!  Now start editing it.

1. Watch all of the takes

2. Splice up your takes and use the best parts.  Remember to include different shots!  That is a focus of this assignment. (see Camera Shots post)

3. Arrange spliced sections in an order that makes sense and try to make it flow smoothly.


1. If the sound quality of your commercial is poor, re-record the audio using our microphones.  Try to make the sound sync with the video! 

2. Record any narration you need with a microphone as well.

Music: Add music to your commercial, use this site: Freeplay Music (legal), great resource!  Choose a song that goes with the feeling you wish to convey.

Logo: Include the logo from your product in your commercial, probably at the end…


Have fun, make it cool and professional!  Here is the rubric I will be grading you with:

 Commercial Rubric:



4 points

3 points

2 points

1 point

Audio Quality Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members throughout the presentation. Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 90% of the time. Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 80% of the time. Some background noises are heard. Volume often too soft to be heard by all audience members.  Background noises are distracting
Video Quality Tripod was used, video is thoughtfully framed and edited in a smooth way.  Tripod was used, video is thoughtfully framed and edited in a smooth way 90% of the time. No tripod, video is thoughtfully framed and edited in a smooth way 80% of the time. Video is shaky or unfocused, edited in a sloppy way
Props & Costumes Students use several props/costumes that show considerable work/creativity and which make the presentation better. Students use some prop/costume that shows considerable work/creativity and which make the presentation better. Students use 1 prop/costume which makes the presentation better. The students use no props/costumes OR the props/costumes chosen detract from the presentation.

Commercial displays professional behavior (No laughing, or silliness)



 Commercial mostly displays professional behavior (Little laughing, or silliness)



 Commercial displays unprofessional behavior (Laughing, or silliness)



 Commercial displays “anti-professional” behavior (Constant laughing, or silliness)


Shots Commercial includes at least 4 different shot sizes/angles. Commercial includes at least 3 different shot sizes/angles. Commercial includes at least 2 different shot sizes/angles. Commercial only includes one type of shot.
Content Commercial’s persuasive technique is clear and effective.  It is clear what the product is and who the target audience is.  Product logo is included in commercial Commercial’s persuasive technique is somewhat clear and effective.  It is clear what the product is.  Product logo is included. Product is clear but persuasive technique is not and seems random.  The product, audience, and persuasive technique are all confusing.
Meaningful Audio Soundtrack Music stirs a rich emotional response that matches the story line well. Images coordinated with the music. Music stirs a rich emotional response that somewhat matches the story line. Images mostly coordinated with the music. Music is ok, and not distracting, but it does not add much to the story. Not coordinated with images. Music is distracting, inappropriate, OR was not used.