Music Video Assignment

Posted: 27th November 2012 by e10391 in Uncategorized

The Assignment:

Make a concept or narrative music video of a song of your choice.  The video is to be between 2 and 4 minutes in length.

1. Watch music video examples

2. Find a good song, one that will tell a story.  Pick a song that you love.  Also, consider finding a song that is unique, or unusual.

Avoid songs with swear words and explicit (overly sexual or violent) lyrics.  This video should be PG13.  If there is a swear, bleep it out.

3. You may (and should) incorporate people playing instruments and singing, but this should not be the majority of your video.  My assignment is to create a narrative or concept based video, tell a story, be creative!

Assignments Before Filming:

1. Write a Description of your Music Video.  What is your story or concept in great detail? Don’t forget costumes, editing and shooting style etc. Your answer should be 4-5 sentences.  Post this to your blog, along with the song title, artist and lyrics.

2. Create a Storyboard for your Music Video.  Show me in person or post it to your blog!

3. Create a set list

actors, costumes/props, settings

We will work together as a class to film everyone  scenes.

4. Print out lyrics for all of your actors.  Its very difficult to lip sync, this will help everyone follow along with the words and the ideas.


The video is meant to be cohesive and tell a story that makes a statement

Credits include the song, album, singers, producers (album company), and year the song was made.  Also give the actors credit!